MPN map

MPN map

Monday, July 11, 2016

Christian Missionary Alliance Life Conference cleaning up our neighborhood

Yesterday Lee Hinds and I had a good time with these young people.

You may have seen them walking the neighborhood with blue bags picking up trash. They helped clean up problems on 2 land bank lots, at an abandoned house and picked up litter in the McCoy park neighborhood South of Truman rd. the total count was 38 bags of trash out of our neighborhood and 2 large piles of brush waiting for public works to pick them up.
They are members of the Christian Missionary Alliance in town for their annual Life Conference. This is an annual event and this year they chose Kansas City. This conference draws youth from across the nation ajnd part of their mission while they are in town is "serving the city through community projects " So, as I understand it 5000 youth and their adult mentors are spreading out through the city looking for places to help. We had 50 of them come to our neighborhood and they are a great bunch of young people.
We thank them for their help and wish them the best as they make their way home to Michigan , Florida and Minnesota.

Dale Fugate
President, McCoy Park Neighbors.

More pictures

House in the hole cleanup.

We call it the house in the hole, it is such an obvious name that even land bank has started calling it that. It is in the middle of the 6000 block of 16th street. You can't miss it.

Here is what it looked like this spring
Thanks to Michael Shaw and Public works plus several dozen  workers from
Here is what it looked like last week
Her are some pictures of the work in progress
 We are very grateful for eveybody who worked out in that hot sun and got this done


Our 7th annual Dumpster day

June 24th 2016

It doesn't seem like it but we have been doing these cleanups now for 7 years
We started in June 2009, (here are pictures)

Thanks to all our neighbors who made it a successful day.
 And a special thanks to the folks at Iglesia Getsemani. Not only did they voluteer to watch the dumpsters but they also helped cleanup the neighborhood

Gracias mi amigos.